Title: Quickly “Influencing” the Launch of Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams Home Furnishings Outlet
Category: New Store Launch
Already home to RH Outlet and Design Within Reach Outlet, Vero Beach Outlets (VBO) would soon welcome another highly-anticipated home furnishings retailer: Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams Home Furnishings Outlet. Fast tracked to open before the Holiday season coupled with furniture delivery delays due to Covid-related supply chain issues, this was an opportunity to expand promotion beyond VBO’s typical trade area.
Soon to become the only MGBW outlet location in the state of Florida, marketing beyond VBO’s primary trade area was needed to reach nearly half of Florida to capture its local shopper along with regional visitors with home furnishings behavioral preferences willing to make the trip.
A forward-thinking hook was needed as traditional first-party data collection tactics and social media fatigue had stalled data growth. The goal was to increase email collection, use influencers to engage a wider preference-specific audience and drive sales for the launch. KPI’s included sales, targeted IG impressions and email database growth all within a very narrow window of time.
SSMG strategically identified 1) social media savvy local and regional designophiles and 2) the greater Florida interior design community as key audience targets for MGBW’s launch campaign.
Devising a multi-pronged approach, the team first leveraged the center’s no-cost marketing arsenal (on-site signage, website, eblasts, organic social media, VIP Coupon Books, rack cards and PR) acting to design across all marketing touchpoints.
Next, to reengage with inactive users and grow first-party databases, SSMG created a significant reason to share data with VBO again. The Home for the Holidays $10,000 Sweepstakes would launch the store plus benefit the entire center by growing a larger customer data set for future activation by all of its home furnishings-centric brands. Pieces such as dedicated eblasts, social media posts, website home page messaging, QR coded-onsite materials and more were developed and deployed.
VIP Club Email Growth:
56.3% conversion rate overall; 2,398 website landing page visits resulting in 1,351 new emails collected
Influencer Campaign:
1.86M+ social impressions and a 12.6% engagement rate from 18 pieces of content
Launch Sales at MGBW:
Far exceeding plan, MGBW at VBO was named the retailer’s #1 performing store for sales during VBO’s launch period.
Percentage of total annual marketing budget: Only 3.1%